Honda's Anytime Warranty - Revive your drive anytime

Honda believes that the most important factor in providing a product or service to its customers is unlimited joy of driving. To complement this ownership, Honda offers a unique Any Time warranty package that gives you Peace of Mind.

Any time Warranty is a unique program and introduced first time in Indian Automotive Industry. This program gives you a coverage of "1 Year / 20,000 Kms" (Terms & Conditions applicable). The eligible criteria to get this program is Vehicle age < 7 Years (from policy start date) and Odometer reading < 1,00,000 Kms from new vehicle sale date. The best part of this program is that you can opt this program even after expiry of Standard Warranty / ExtendedWarranty.

Under the Any Time Warranty the dealer will repair or replace the parts which proves to be defective within the limits of Any Time Warranty (Terms & Conditions applicable) at no charges to the customer for parts and labor.

Honda dealer can exercise its discretion in selling Any Time Warranty.

Please contact us for more details
+91 487 2700 707